Crack Hide Body

v. cracked, crack ing, cracks v.intr.1.

a. To break without complete separation of parts: The mirror cracked.

b. To break or snap apart: The branch cracked off and fell.

2. To make a sharp snapping sound: His knees cracked as he sat down.3.

a. To break down; fail: The defendant s composure finally began to crack.

b. To have a mental or physical breakdown: cracked under the pressure.

4. To change sharply in pitch or timbre, as from hoarseness or emotion. Used of the voice.

5. To move or go rapidly: was cracking along at 70 miles an hour.

6. Chemistry To break into simpler molecules, often by means of heat or a a. To cause to break without complete separation of parts: The pebble cracked the car s windshield. See Synonyms at break.

b. To cause to break with a sharp snapping sound: crack nuts.

c. To crush corn or wheat, for example into small pieces.2.

a. To strike, especially with a sharp sound: cracked the intruder over the head with a lamp.

b. To cause to come into forceful contact with something, especially with a sharp sound: fell and cracked his head against the floor.

3. To open to a slight extent: crack a window to let in some air.4. Informal

a. To break open or into: crack a safe.

b. To open up for use or consumption: crack a book; cracked a beer.

c. To break through an obstacle in order to win acceptance or acknowledgment: finally cracked the men-only rule at the club.

5. To discover the solution to, especially after considerable effort: crack a code.

6. To cause the voice to crack.

7. Informal To tell a joke, especially on impulse or in an effective manner.

8. To cause to have a mental or physical breakdown.

9. To impair or destroy: Their rude remarks cracked his equanimity.

10. To reduce petroleum to simpler compounds by cracking.n.1.

a. A partial split or break; a fissure.

b. A slight narrow space: The window was open a crack.

c. Informal The fissure between the buttocks.

2. A sharp snapping sound, such as the report of a firearm.

3. A sharp resounding blow: gave him a crack on the head.4.

a. A mental or physical impairment; a defect.

b. A breaking, harshly dissonant vocal tone or sound, as in hoarseness.

5. An attempt or try: gave him a crack at the job; took a crack at photography.6. A witty or sarcastic remark. See Synonyms at joke.

7. A moment; an instant: at the crack of dawn.

8. Irish Fun had when socializing; social amusement.

Excelling in skill or achievement; first-rate: a crack shot; a crack tennis player.Phrasal Verbs: crack down

To act more forcefully to regulate, repress, or restrain: The police cracked down on speeding. crack up Informal

1. To praise highly: He was simply not the genius he was cracked up to be.2.

a. To damage or wreck a vehicle or vessel : crack up a plane; crack up a boat.

b. To wreck a vehicle in an accident: cracked up on the expressway.

3. To have a mental or physical breakdown: crack up from overwork.

4. To experience or cause to experience a great deal of amusement: really cracked up when I heard that joke.Idiom: crack the whip

To behave in a domineering manner; demand hard work and efficiency from those under one s control. kræk vb

1. to break or cause to break without complete separation of the parts: the vase was cracked but unbroken.

2. to break or cause to break with a sudden sharp sound; snap: to crack a nut.

3. to make or cause to make a sudden sharp sound: to crack a whip.

4. Music, other to cause the voice to change tone or become harsh or of the voice to change tone, esp to a higher register; break

6. to yield or cause to yield: to crack under torture.

7. tr to hit with a forceful or resounding blow

8. tr to break into or force open: to crack a safe.

9. tr to solve or decipher a code, problem, etc

11. Chemistry to break a molecule into smaller molecules or radicals by the action of heat, as in the distillation of petroleum

12. tr to open esp a bottle for drinking: let s crack another bottle.

13. intr Scot and Northern English to chat; gossip

14. tr to achieve esp in the phrase crack it

15. tr Austral to find or catch: to crack a wave in surfing.

16. crack a smile to break into a smile

17. crack hardy crack hearty Austral and NZ to disguise one s discomfort, etc; put on a bold front

18. crack the whip to assert one s authority, esp to put people under pressure to work hardern

20. Pathology a break or fracture without complete separation of the two parts: a crack in the window.

21. a narrow opening or fissure

23. Medicine a physical or mental defect; flaw

24. a moment or specific instant: the crack of day.

25. Physiology a broken or cracked tone of voice, as a boy s during puberty

26. often foll by at an attempt; opportunity to try: he had a crack at the problem.

29. Scot and Northern English a talk; chat

30. Recreational Drugs a processed form of cocaine hydrochloride used as a stimulant. It is highly addictive

31. Also: craic Irish fun; informal entertainment: the crack was great in here last night.

32. Law a burglar or burglary33. crack of dawn

a. the very instant that the sun rises

34. a fair crack of the whip a fair chance or opportunity

35. crack of doom doomsday; the end of the world; the Day of Judgmentadj

36. prenominal first-class; excellent: a crack shot.

Old English cracian; related to Old High German krahhōn, Dutch kraken, Sanskrit gárjati he roars kræk

1. to break without separation of parts; become fissured.

2. to break with a sudden, sharp sound.

3. to make a sudden, sharp sound; snap.

4. of the voice to break abruptly and discordantly.

5. to break down, esp. under severe psychological pressure.

6. to decompose by being subjected to heat. v.t.

7. to cause to make a sudden sharp sound: to crack a whip.

8. to break without separation of parts.

9. to break into many parts; break open or splinter: to crack walnuts.

10. to strike forcefully: to crack someone on the jaw.

11. to recount or tell: to crack jokes.

12. to cause to make a cracking sound: to crack one s knuckles.

15. to make the voice harsh or unmanageable.

16. to solve: to crack a murder case.

17. Informal. to break into a safe, vault, etc..

18. to subject to the process of cracking, as in the distillation of petroleum. 19. Informal.

a. to open and drink a bottle of wine, liquor, etc..

b. to open slightly, as a window or door.

c. to open a book in order to study or read.

20. crack down, to take severe measures, esp. in enforcing laws or regulations often fol. by on : to crack down on drug pushers. 21. crack up, Informal.

a. to suffer a mental or emotional breakdown.

b. to crash, as in an automobile or airplane.

c. to wreck an automobile, airplane, or other vehicle.

d. to laugh or to cause to laugh unrestrainedly. n.

22. a break without separation of parts; fissure.

23. a slight opening, as between boards in a floor or wall.

25. the snap of or as of a whip.

27. a witty or cutting remark.

28. a break in the tone of the voice.

29. a chance; try: I d like a crack at that job.

30. highly addictive, purified cocaine in the form of pellets prepared for smoking.

33. first-rate; excellent: a crack shot. adv.

34. with a cracking sound. Idioms:

1. crack the whip, to goad one s subordinates to work harder and more quickly.

2. get cracking, to get moving; hurry up: We re late - let s get cracking.

before 1000; Middle English crak k en v., crak n., Old English cracian to resound; akin to Middle Dutch krāken, Old High German chrahhōn - The crack of a whip is the miniature sonic boom that occurs as the tip breaks the sound barrier.See also related terms for whip.

Police: Augusta woman tried to hide crack cocaine inside her body. A police dog signaled that he smelled the cocaine on Sarah Lyn Pearl, 26, but she didn t turn over.

Crack cocaine is an illegal substance that can be extremely addictive even upon first use. The effects of crack cocaine can be severe and even deadly.

crack hide body crack crack hide body

1. A Body Crack in a solid-body electric guitar is not a common problem. This strat developed a body crack at the bridge.

2. A Closer Look shows the effects of years of string tension and whammy bar dive-bombs at this vulnerable part of the guitar. To repair this, I ll cut away the damaged alder and patch in a custom fit plug.

3. Removing the Damage starts with a hole saw on the shop s drill press. The pilot bit of the hole saw follows the stud hole. I ll stop cutting after I get about 1/4 beneath the surface of the top.

4. Cleaning Out the Waste with a razor sharp chisel and a mallet.

5. Ready for a Forstner. My drill bit of choice for this job is a forstner bit. These bits cut really clean and leave a flat-bottomed hole. The only problem is they could be thrown off and damage the surrounding finish since the hole for the stud would interfere with the bit s piloting tip. Drilling 1/4 down with a hole saw will prevent the forstner from wandering.

6. Removing the Damaged Wood Cont.  This forstner bit chucked into the drill press is doing a fine job of cutting a clean, flat-bottomed hole.

7. Preparing the AlderPlug Blank starts with a jointer plane to ensure flatness. Next, I ll drill a very shallow hole in the plug blank with the same forstner bit I used on the body. Then I ll bandsaw just outside of the forstner cut line.

8. Shapping the Plug on the disc sander is pretty quick. I m sanding the plug down about 1/16 outside the forstner layout line I drilled into the top of the plug. The bed of the disc sander is andgled to 3 degrees which is giving the plug a taper.

9. Test Fitting the Plug. Since my plug is actually a cone, not a cylinder, the plug seats firmly part way down. I m marking the plug where it contacts the top of the hole.

10. Final Shaping of the Plug is done with the bed of the disc sander set to 0 90 degrees to the sanding disc. I ll carefully turn the plug against the disc until my pencil line just starts to evenly disappear. This way I know that I ll have a good, tight fit for my glue joint.

11. Gluing the Plug with hot hide glue will give me a very strong glue joint with easy water clean up. I ll leave the plug clamped for 24 hours.

12. Removing the Excess Plug is done in 2 phases. The first is with the forstner bit.

13. Removing the Excess Plug Cont.  A razor sharp chisel gets rid of the waste to about 1/32 shy of the guitar top.

14. Trimming the Plug Flush with a smoothing plane.

15. More Chisel Work removes the excess plug in the electronics and trem cavities.

16. The Trimmed Plug. Next I ll drill out the plug for the trem stud. At this point I would do finish work if that s what the customer wanted. To save some time and money, this guitar s owner opted for a simple seal coat of shellac with no attempt to hide the repair with a polyurethane finish touchup.

17. The Repair is Visually Subtle since most of the plug is covered by the bridge and the pickguard.

18. A Strong Repair This fix should last as long as this guitar is in service.

crack hide body crack hide body

Crack krăk v. cracked, crack ing, cracks v.intr. 1. a. To break without complete separation of parts: The mirror cracked. b. To break or snap apart: The branch.

1. A Body Crack in a solid-body electric guitar is not a common problem. This strat developed a body crack at the bridge. 2. A Closer Look shows the effects of years.

Body Count is the eponymous debut album of American heavy metal band Body Count. Released in 1992, the album material focuses on various social and political.

Fender Strat Body Crack at Trem Stud

A crack is a very narrow space, chink, or opening. If you favorite mug has a crack in it, it might leak. A crack can be as thin as a pencil line, or a wider gap, like.

crack hide body