Commader Patch

Commentary: Welcome to my Nick Fury Fanpage, a little corner of my website devoted to my favorite comic book hero of all time. Over the last 12 years I had largely.

The following balance change will be made in an upcoming patch:

Warsong Commander now reads: Your Charge minions have 1 Attack.

Over the course of the short but impactful history of Hearthstone, we ve taken a strong stance that we d like to make changes to cards only when they are completely necessary. The direction of gameplay and the metagame should be defined by our players, and as the meta is evolving, many different types of decks can emerge. Cards that were once impactful in the meta can be less so once new strategies emerge, and that change is brought on by the constant need and drive for innovation by our players.

Innovation is just one way a game can evolve, and the best way to shake up the meta and innovate in Hearthstone is by introducing new cards into the game. Introducing new cards to Hearthstone is our preferred method of changing the current state of the game. It s exciting to discover a deck that may have an advantage over a popular deck out there, and new cards lead to the discovery of new combinations, and new conversations. Hearthstone thrives off of stories about enjoying a fast-paced, fun game with friends that s full of delightful surprises.

Going forward, we will continue to stand by our stance that we will only make adjustments to cards when we feel it is completely necessary and allow the injection of new cards into the game help our players define what the meta evolves into. In the case of Warsong Commander, we felt this change was necessary to help expand both future design space and to stand by our overarching game philosophy that battles between minions and fighting for board control is what makes Hearthstone fun and compelling.

Edit: The timeframe for this patch is currently slated for some time next week.

Edited by Zeriyah on 10/13/2015 AM PDT

just delete that card. and i am so happy for patron warriors.


It was about time, now do the same with Dr. six.

I would like this except now the ladder will be completely dominated by an even worse deck to play against, secret paladin.

Now for the new FOTM Secret Paladin.

Edited by heero on 10/13/2015 AM PDT

its about time they did something about it, now we just have to worry about face warrior

Edited by dragoon3zero on 10/13/2015 AM PDT

About freaking time. Great change and takes patron down a notch to where it should be.

Well, once again, there goes another smart and actually skill based deck nerfed to the abyss, good job blizzard.

EDIT: For all the people who even consider downvoting this comment, if you think this is a decent nerf you have absolutely no idea what balance even means neither does Blizzard. It basically kills the card and it will never be played again, the same way every nerf Blizzard has ever done since launch. If you disagree you re simply wrong.

EDIT2: Since I can t reply to every single secret pally player who disagrees with me, I will do a general reply to whatever comment you re probably going to say:

1 huehue patron requires no skill just emperor and u win : you re either rank 20 or you ve simply never played patron, period.

2 patron was op : i agree, it was. there were easily 20 great ideas on how to fairly nerf this deck or warsong but blizzard decided to erase the deck and warsong commander from the game entirely worse than raid leader. this is not how you balance things.

a way better nerf would ve been, for example, your minions with 3 or less attack have charge, only patrons have charge, no frothings and cant even inner rage, done, balanced. another one. make warsong a 2/1 minion dies to whirlwind, also done, patron balanced.

Edited by Hate on 10/13/2015 PM PDT

Mysterious Challenger better be next on the list of Cards to be looked at.


Patron numbers have been dropping on ladder over the last month, tournament use has plummeted, and it doesn t even have a positive winrate in a tournament setting. All I can ask is Why now..

Edited by Seiburi on 10/13/2015 AM PDT

Yeah it great nerf but too late.

Next please consider about Mysterious Challenger.

How is utterly destroying a card that has been around since beta good. Why not make grim patron a 5/2 like it was originally intended to be, no need to make warsong commander completely useless.

Finally, Next you need to FIX Mysterious Challenger.

For 6 mana, you get 15 mana worth of cards a 6/6

Playing against a deck that can combo you to 0 in one go just wasn t a fun thing should it occur. Secret paladin, to an extent, can be countered imo. Neverless a horrible matchup

cool, looking forward to seeing more tempo mage, secret paladin, and combo druid on the ladder.

Agree, Mysterious Challenger next.

Secret paladins aren t that difficult to beat. It s all the same secrets triggering in all the same order on all the same minions.

-ل͜- -ل͜- -ل͜- EVERYONE, Rest In Peace -ل͜- -ل͜- -ل͜-

You also could have fixed the card so minions that go above 3 attack lose charge againso really only minions up to 3 attack have charge. But this works, too, I guess.

So warrior basically back to 1 viable, expensive deck.

Oh well was fun while it lasted, guess I can t and won t be doing warrior quests anymore.

So funny that when they nerf something they don t just tweak it, they take a sledge hammer to it and curb stomp it. Six months from now Mysterious Challenger s text will be changed to Put a random Paladin Secret in play..

Wow another skill required deck nerfed to the ground, thanks Blizzard.

I Think that this nerf is too severe. Patron will be 100 gone now. They could have changed Frothing Berseker instead giving him a 10 attack max cap or something to prevent OTK

Patron was a deck that required a lot of skill, and it also kept Secret Paladin in check somewhat and im afraid that Dr 6 will rise even higher after this.

This will pretty much completely eliminate patron warrior - at least in the current itiration. Not sure if the intent was to nerf it or completely remove it but good riddance either way.

edit: on more serious thought, I would have been okay with them giving the deck a nerf perhaps to frothings instead of outright killing it but I m not gonna cry over it. This is like the 3rd time that the commander had to be changed because it allowed for ridiculous decks - it was definitely a problem card in the past and possibly in the future.

Edited by Pzypro on 10/13/2015 AM PDT

As Tychus would say, Hell, it s about time.

Damn, i dont even play warrior, but chaning frothing berskers health from 4 to 3 would have been enough for me. Oh well RiP Frothing Patron Warrior.

My best guess is this chage allows future cards to be designed without having to worry about Warsong abuse.

And about the secret paladin. Could you make the all secrets in board a deathrattle.

Rip Patron deck, the most skill required deck ever created no Kappa

Hey everyone. Get in here. And say buh bye to Patron. RIP.

game philosophy that battles between minions and fighting for board control is what makes Hearthstone fun and compelling. Ok, now nerf druid combo, oil rogue and all the bunch like riddleladin, and may be we ll able to say than the game start to be a bit balanced, do not forget dr.boom.

Now theres no counters for the cancer Paladin and Hunter.. GG Blozzard


You should ve nerfed Frothing Berserker, now the deck is completely dead. The OP Thing was Frothing. Maybe you only did this to not give us the dust.

As always blizzard doesn t know how to nerf a deck without killing it good job guys i m so happy there

Patron Warrior is trending down in popularity, it s got bad match ups and is one of the few decks in Hearthstone that actually rewards it s player for being good instead of the normal variance heavy, RNG dependent mid-range garbage that comprises the rest of the meta. Hearthstone is a shell of a card game, favoring a casual audience playing a minimal skill game that is powered by a money machine called Blizzard. This is dookie.

Dumb nerf, Patron Warrior wasnt even a problem atleast the ones I ve played against. Nerfing subpar decks for no reason, whatevers i guess.

Everyone get in here. except you Warsong Commander, you re not welcome anymore lolololololol

So funny that when they nerf something they don t just tweak it, they take a sledge hammer to it and curb stomp it. Six months from now Mysterious Challenger s text will be changed to Put a random Paladin Secret in play..

Please I know you are worried about tournament balance but either make it 2 damage or buff it s stats accordingly. you are turning Warsong in to a worse Dire Wolf Alpha

In blizzards defense, any nerf to patron would make it no longer a tier 1 deck.

and if something is not a tier 1 deck, it wont get played

So might as well just completely nerf it to prevent any further exploits

In my city we are in a tournament that resumes next sunday. It s important that we know when is this patch being available

Can we now address the cancer that is secrets paladin. I mean come on Blizz. I played the other night and got 7 of them in a row.

What a stupid thing, the patron mechanic was actually interesting idea and imho patrons warsong werent the unbalanced aspect of the deck. Wallet warrior only warior BibleThump

Edited by Klofan17 on 10/13/2015 AM PDT

No blizzard please This is a mistake You are killing the deck entirely making a lot of the cards unplayable

Of all the ways you could have done this you chose one of the worst

The card Grim Patron wont be played anymore, warsong commander either

LOL. Of all the ideas of nerfs, this was not one of them. Nice one Blizz, totally changing the card.

This nerf just makes warsong commander into a situational raid leader with 1 HP. It MIGHT still be a card if they also reduce its mana cost to 2.

Patron is hard to play and most ppl suck at it, why are you removing this fun to play with and sometimes aweful to play against deck. If you salty ppl don t like to play against it and think it is unfair, just play it yourself, it is one of the cheaper decks out there. With this you just kill a deck and burry a card, grim patron the card and the deck will never ever see any play.

Make it a 3 attack 4 health minion as well, like Spell Slinger or Dark Cultist, as now the upside doesn t seem to be overpowered rather below par I d say.

the pros say grim patron is dead but i m don t care because at rank 20 they aren t pros so i ll keep playing it. I m still waiting the real nerf, god bless leroy jenkins

damn man, i made a golden patron deck 2 weeks ago, fml, i want my dust back :

REALLY. A deck that requires a tremendous amount of skill to master is being nerfed because people can not counter it. While decks that require no skill read secret paladin are going to be left untouched simply because it revolves around a card introduced in TGT. .

It isn t an OTK deck. It requires a great deal of set up and considered turns. Nerfing OTK hunter and Miracle rogue was understandable, not this.

Damn, that s a little harsh, isn t it. It s miracle all over again. Plus it makes a decent basic card garbage.

This is an awful approach, this is not nerfing a deck, this is literally killing the deck, and any itteration of math warrior that could happen in the future.

You could have nerfed the finisher, made patrons weaker, or so many options to approach this properly, but now, you decide to just straight up kill the deck.

The deck depended on several pieces fitting together to make itself a strong deck, make an element weaker, and the entire deck goes down, make a nerf here and there, and you got a balanced deck. But instead, you give it the miracle rogue treatment x10, and remove it from the game.

I have talked with game designers, other pro players, my practice group over and over about the deck, the elements, what changes could be made and we talked about which changes would be going too far but nothing even came close to this.

I m not sure if you are expecting to make the meta fresh, but trust me, it won t You will have a small time of chaos, and then it will settle, people already know which decks could not be played thanks to the patron and the meta patron created. You are not making 10 types of new decks, you are just switching what will be seen to a different stale meta, the conquest format will make sure of that.

And, I for one, don t welcome our new paladin overlords.

Good bye Patron Warrior. You was a really good deck.

So is this basically saying that we now are forced to play Aggro decks and hit the face every chance we get instead of having to use some skill to calculate lethal with a patron warrior, also this is not balancing anything with war song commander it is just making it unplayable THANKS BLIZZARD. We better be seeing a mysterious challenger on the cards to look at list next.

Edited by Gunnar21 on 10/13/2015 AM PDT

Actually, now that I think about it, that is indeed very true. I disliked that nuclear-bomb type of a deck too, but sending it into the museum allows for other easy shortcuts to wins to exist - just watch what will happen now with secret paladins.

I m kinda disappointed in you Blizzard. I expected you to nerf Patron Warrior, not completely kill it.

Rage combo decks have always been fun, and now all of them have been shot dead. Warsong Commander has always needed a nerf, but this is not the way to do it.

Look at rogue after Miracle patch, no one is using it. And now Patron The class will somewhat die out. Good jobb Blizzard

Agree This is very true as they make the whole deck unplayable and make warsong unplayable instead of making things balanced

Patron takes no skill with 3 comeback mechanics You must not play the game

No more reason to play hearthstone, sigh.

Well, we have seen many bad suggestions to nerf stuff that would ve killed patron warriors in this forum, but this might just take the cake as the worst change they could possibly have made

When will this patch be launched.

Here s the thing. The secret pally offers you a chance to counter. Card is played and then you get a turn to deal with it. So often the patron hand it s played and you just have to sit there and watch as they destroy your wall of taunt and if they coupled it with frothing berserker you will surely be dead before you can have a chance to volly back

I don t know why so many of the first posts are like Yea so kewl ty blizzard Are you guys blind. Can t you read between the lines. There s a nerf once a year, for a combo deck, with no tweaks to overly abused face decks that require to vomit your hands without thinking.

Blizzard is pooping in every single one of their players s mouth and you guys are like Blizzard best, blizzard kewl, me give money, blizzard is wearing a EA cosplay and you are all gargling their balls..

They should have just bumped the cost up by 1-2 without changing the other text, that way Patron takes 2 turns to set up or just can t go off as hard as it does currentlythe change they are making makes Warsong Commander just a worse Raid Leader and makes Patron Warrior completely unplayable. As much as I personally don t like the deck, this seems like a bit much.

i just came here to say rip patrons.

If they re really intent on pushing that change, at least make her a 2 mana 2/3. There s no way that new effect is worth her stat budget now.

The deck takes no skill it has atleast 3 comeback mechanics with patrons, F berserkers 1 shooting u and the grom combo You must not play the game and understand that the deck was overpowered

I m not a big fan of patron warrior, but now it s just a worse Raid Leader. Why not 2.

Everyone remember this when mech warrior is eating your face how many celebrated.

All these people moaning about nerfing Warsong killing patron s what ever they changed it would have knocked patron back and now maybe it gives other decks a chance I for one am looking forward to this :

WTF,Balance.Dr.Broken still thereNice one Blizzard

Yes. Lets keep nerfing casual fun cards instead of top tier broken ones. Wohoo. good going on the failure Blizz



Took long enough and you completely destroyed the deck.

Wow, wasn t expecting that one, just take 1 or 2 health and it was fine, now why no hunter nerf. wake up Blizzard.

Time to quit hearthstone.. blizzard ruined another game in favor of brainless community. . it.s such a. nurf..

What do you mean a chance. Are you implying that you could not build anything better than warsong / patron. Ha Ha Ha maybe it s not the cards that suck.

IMO nerfing the warsong is not the best way to do it You will remove this whole concept of deck from the game The only real problem with grim patron is the obnoxious frothing otks. Why not nerf frothing. Make it so that the frothing gets buffed only when allied get damaged and not when enemies get damaged, like this it would be a lot mor difficult to do 20 combos.

How can it be one of the casual cards since it was a main stay of the TOP deck played for months.

How dare you not change the Mysterious Challenger

And get back my patron warrior

Can you guys ever change a card and totally not kill it.

Why not just limit it to the FIRST minion played summons not included.

Giving minions charge was a really interesting interaction

Hahahaha HAHAHAHA hahahah HAHAH hahhaHAHAHAhahahaH HAHAHA hahaha NO.

Lol might be the death of patron but the rise of FACE WARRIOR

This nerf is a shame the current meta has so many OP decks with secret paladin and dragon priest. Difference was patron warrior was affordable.

That s quite the starving buzzard treatment. Rip warsong.

RIP the one good counter to secret paladin and aggro in general. The deck was OP but it was healthy for the meta, imo killing it completely instead of toning it down a little is way too much. All you had to do was make frothing a 2-3 and boom the deck would be fine but you had to go with the full aggro meta. Meanwhile a 6-6 for 6 that draws 5 cards and plays them at the same time is considered to be fine.

Edited by Cipri on 10/13/2015 AM PDT

Psh, you obviously aren t considering when a casino Mage gets Unleash the Hounds and Warsong Commander and wants to go face with them. Clearly not worse than Dire Wolf Alpha, they ll both have their own unique strengths now /s.

I m just glad that I didn t actually blow the dust I had scrapped together to craft Grommash before I heard about this. No way I can afford to play control Warrior and they have crippled Patron without changing any cards that would require them to refund anyone dust that they burned for the deck.

These decks are strong but require a lot to practice and technique to master.

That s real fun of hearthstone

This nerf not only kills patron but any aggro potential warrior had. So be happy, control warrior is the only viable now.

This is a terrible way to nerf the warsong.

Edited by BigMek on 10/13/2015 AM PDT

the card per se wasn t op, it was the deck built around it that was considered unfair by most people nerfing an ok card because of a deck built around it is not the way to go in my opinion. How about nerfing the patron itself instead. make it 4-2 so it cannot gain charge by the warsong commander. or at the very least have the warsong give charge to 2 attack minion or less

Edited by Krügen on 10/13/2015 AM PDT

Ok actually Blizzard. What made you think this was the way to fix this. Warsong is literally unplayable now. It could have been changed to Minions you control with 3 or less attack have charge. This would have removed the OTK potential of Patron with Frothing while allowing the deck to still combo out patrons on low attack minions and have a decent reach. But no, just make it something completely irrelevant. I agree that Patron needed to be touched, but I have no idea why this was how you decided to do it. Very stupid change in my opinion.

Thank you Riot. Uh, I mean, Blizzard. Woo.

I don t like Grim Patron decks, I ve been one shotted to death to many times by a Frothing Berserker and I m glad to see this. But I m conflicted since people have to recognize that the deck needed skill to be played effectively.

On the other hand, I keep playing the game every single day against a bunch of Mech Mages and Secret Paladins, decks that require no skill or problem solving to win and they keep running rampant on the ladder.

So maybe if you think a little, this change is in favor of unskilled and unplanned decks for non strategic players. In a game that is losing pro appeal because of all the RNG thing.

Maybe Blizzard wants to keep this game for dummies only.

Such a bad decision. While I m okay with Patron being nerfed, why do you cripple the deck instead of trying out some incremental nerfs.

Another card ruined for no reason

It only needed a slight nerf, not to be completely ruined

You morons at Blizzard have no idea what you re doing, once again

Haven t spent a dime on Blizzard games in about 8 years, won t be doing it anytime soon.

So you ruin the possibility to make a good deck with warrior without spend alot money in it. .

Now for ever gonna be Warrior control. . that is sad.

YayBlizzard can t make their mind up about how they want something to worknothing new here.

This change might as well read delete warsong commander from your library.

Fix Mysterious Challenger.. He s ridiculous. Dr.6

This is a fine nerf to end Grim Patron dominance, but how about making Warrior more enticing to play in Arena.

They need to bring back equal drafting opportunity for all cards in the game, so that weapons become common again.

The only weapon that TGT brought to Warrior s arsenal is King s Defender and it s a rare card.

Patron numbers have been dropping on ladder over the last month, tournament use has plummeted, and it doesn t even have a positive winrate in a tournament setting. All I can ask is Why now..

Because blizzcon is coming and if every single person will have patron it will be frustrating and not fun.

I can t be the only one who finds it at lesdt a little ironic that so many people defended patron warrior, told everyone to quit crying. Said its fine and learn to play. But now that its being nerfed, rightfully so, are crying so hard.

Secret Paladin is much more annoying at the moment in my opinion. At least patron Warrior required some skill and forethought.

To all the Patron Warriors who had 1 Health left and sent me from 30 to -12.

Oh while you re already at itcould you change Mysterious Challenger so it just generates 3 random secrets into your hand. Or give us a proper anti-secret tech cause Kezan Mystic is just horribad.

After that the game will be so much more enjoyable again

The thing about Warrior Patron is it actually takes skill to play the deck. You have to know when to play certain cards and it doesn t go off until about turn 8 or 9 anyway. You need to play the cards in the correct combination in order for it to go off. It takes a skillful player to be consistent with the deck.

On the other side of the argument, when you can kill your opponent in one turn without them being able to respond, it s really annoying and hard to swallow. Playing around it is so difficult because it causes you not to even play any of your minions with an attack of 1-2 after turn 7, you also don t want to fill up the field for Frothing. Something needed to change, no sure if this was the correct move though.

Here is a better fix Devs, please take it on board.

Why not just change it so Warsong says;

Whenever you Summon a Non-Summoned Minion with 3 or less attack, give it Charge.

In other words, Only give Charge to non token minions.

Walla. Fixed it for you. It s not very hard

Unsure on the exact wording, Cast Minion, Play Minion, rather than Summon, but you get the idea. It only works on minions you play from your hand, not copies, duplicates or tokens.

Instead of, you know, destroying a great card.

Or hell. Nerf Patron. Like When it s damaged discard if none in hand mill a card, that card becomes a copy or Costs 1 mana to copy or Can only copy once per turn or something like that.

Screw it, be creative. Make Patron a 4/2. Boom. Both more powerful and much weaker all at the same time. THIS is how you should handle Nerfs

SOOOOO many better ways of handling this :/

Edited by TopHatCat on 10/13/2015 AM PDT

That nerf is way to hard, and I didn t have enough time to play with patron warrior started using the deck just 2 weeks ago T.T. Well, it s time to craft mysterious challenge :D

Good job making patron warrior AND warsong commander completely unplayable forever blizzard another well thuoght nerf there along with buzzard

might as well just delete the card

Edited by Hate on 10/13/2015 AM PDT

A change may be needed, but let s be clear here: this does not take Patron down a notch. It entirely destroys the deck. Patron Warrior will cease to exist as even a tier 3 deck on Tempo Storm.

You may say that s appropriate, but that s a different discussion. Patron Warrior does not drop from Best Deck to Tier 2 deck, it drops from Best Deck to not-on-the-map-anymore with this change.

Thats a pretty bad nerf, now the card is just an exctremely worse version of Leokk. Blizzard can t do balance and that s lame.

If they d instead given her a static ability Your minions with 3 or less attack have charge she would have been fine. In some cases better because she would grant charge to small minions already on the field when she entered.

This change makes her and grim patron both useless. Poor work by R D.

In order to understand the nerf you need to understand Blizzard s design philosophy. They want games to be a fight: ie. a two-sided struggle for victory. They ve been against stall stall stall OTK decks for a long time. Why. Because they don t like strong decks. Of course not. They re against one-sided play. Druid runs a OTK combo. but in the meantime there s a battle going on, and FoN Savage Roar isn t the only win condition like Patron was. Conversely, some decks are pure stall Mill Rogue/Druid but don t build to an overpowered OTK. Only the combination of Stall OTK makes for boring play. As frustrating as Freeze Mage can be, I don t think it fits in this category, just because it s not nearly as strong or popular as Patron was. Though I wouldn t be surprised if that was nerfed if it happened to grow in popularity again.

Fact is, Warrior has the ability to gain massive amounts of armor very fast. Stalling is very easy. And playing against that is not fun, because there s no struggle. You re left simply praying that he doesn t draw the cards he needs to OTK. Your chance at victory being contingent upon your opponent s lack of draw is not a fun game design. He draws poorly, you win. He draws well, you lose.

Yes, this is a deck kill, not a nerf. But for all intents and purposes, a nerf is a kill. Think about Miracle Rogue here. The same reasoning against Patron Warrior applies. Sitting around waiting for your opponent to draw his combo is not fun.

Just trying to look at this objectively. I hate to see decks completely wiped from the meta, but the philosophy of the Patron deck is busted on a basic game design level. There will be a new FotW, we don t need to worry there.

Secret Paladin doesn t seem to apply. It s something that can be played around. You make sure you have a board built up by the time Challenger hits the board, and you strategically eliminate the pally secrets one by one. There s a great deal of finesse and battle that goes into playing against that deck. It s not a one-sided waiting game like Miracle and Patron were.

Just my two cents. I hope it s received with clarity.

Warrior is the most uninsteresting class I ve played against,

lots of OTK combo, charge, face, patron, berserkers. This is good, thank you.

It s the same thing as with Miracle Rogue. Instead of nerfing Auctioneer, it s Warsong now. Miracle Rogue took some amount of skill but the OTK made it rather unfair for most other decks. Grim Patron is still a playable card but it ll take more than one turn to set up their lethal.

All we need now is a better version of Kezan Mystic to deal with Secret Paladin/Face Hunter and I ll be happy :D

I think, as with Starving Buzzard, the hand of nerf was too heavy. In this case it killed some cards that hadn t any use before Patron Warrior and now will not have use again. Therefore, there is one less cheap deck outside. But it s ok, completely understandable.

There is a big difference between this and challenger.

Patron didn t allow to you respond and punished you for playing things. The best possible plays against patron was to leave nothing on your side of the board and remove their minions from the board. Then eventually destroy their combo pieces and bring them to fatigue or you could risk aggroing into their combo.

You have counter play to challenger. You get a turn to deal with it. The secrets are not something you can t overcome. Challenger doesn t create 20-30 charge damage on board via charge minions etc.

Edited by Minerva on 10/13/2015 AM PDT

oh well here we go again. its the wow treatment every nerf again.

no testing no thought just murder. So many classes in wow where top DD or top PvP before being completly murdered.

Blizzards history is showing that they always work with a sledgehammer instead of a tiny goldsmith hammer when it comes to balance.

The only game this does not apply seems to be Heroes of the storm.

I didnt like Patron Warrior but I also dont like any combo that does more than 10 damage from hand even fireball fireball frostbolt sux sometimes. But thats just me and I dont play em.

Cardgames need serious testing before nerfing my hope was that an electronic card game would do so. MTG has to ban cards, why is hearthstone not updated once in 3 month for balance.

This let the community decide and shape the meta for balance is impossible but it is Diabnlo 3 all over. A company only giving in if something is dieing and then admitting minor mistakes..good one blizzard way to go.not


I feel like the change should ve been more along the lines of Warsong Commander now reads Minions with 3 or less attack have charge so if any minion went over 3 attack Frothing Berzerker, it would lose charge.

Why. It s just wrong, I can t play this deck to save my life srsly, but I dont agree with the nerf.

It is not unbeatable and requires skill, not like face hunter. There are counters to it.

As time goes bye we get more and more new cards, classic archetypal decks like this will exist..and its fine.

Don t go nerf cards people paid for in some way, even if just with their time. Add new cards to counter it, that just adds more fun and interest to the game..this you guys are doing kills it.

That s an interesting way to spell, we nuked patron warrior from orbit.

Honestly I don t think this sort of change was even remotely appropriate. There were plenty of changes that didn t involve straight up removing a deck from the game.

I m beginning to get the impression that the only nerf Blizzard knows how to make is to remove a card from the game.

It s okay Warsong commander, come join your fellows; undertaker, starving buzzard, Leeroy Jenkins, Nat Pagle, and Tinkmaster Overspark.

Edited by Reshyk on 10/13/2015 AM PDT

Raid Leader Warsong Commander. So Balance. .

Agreed. Now Warsong is completely unplayable; mostly inferior to Raid Leader.

If they really wanted to make a minor change to Warrior Patron they should have simply changed Frothing Berserker to read Whenever one of your minions takes damage, gain 1 attack. instead of any minion from taking damage.

Really. Why That s a weird decision ever Never vote for such changes.

Why would anyone play this over RAID LEADER.

hm, i think that with nerf u must add some stats to the Warsong Commander to make it playable - like 3 mana 3-4 with this ability.

wrong move blizzard wrong move

So instead of making a meaningful change to let s say Frothing Berserker, you decided to just make the deck completely unplayable.

finally, it s MEGA RETARDED to have constantly have rank 20 grim patron warriors

Santa missed month : I m happy for all the kids.

I m really indifferent about this choice but I m curious about meta gaming and also for the world championship.. if the patch will come before.

This feels like just the right adjustment for Patron Warrior. It s still a good deck, with the ability to flood the board with Grim Patrons and buff Frothing Berserkers into the stratosphere, but then

it s your opponent s turn and they get an opportunity to do something about it. Maybe they can counter or maybe they can t. It s the opportunity that matters.


sigh How am I going to finish the Warrior or Rogue quest now.

I think the whole problem with this deck is Frothing Berserker, not Warsong Commander.

They should ve nerfed Frothing Nerfing Warsong Commander will kill the whole deck completely :/

So many sad patron players in this thread Poor poor little babys. Very well played Blizzard. Lets see who the real champion is at blizzcon.

Edited by lordimac on 10/13/2015 AM PDT

What a bad change.. There are other changes they could have done that wouldn t completely ruin the deck; just weaken it. I don t even like or play Patron but this seems like a poorly thought out way to address the Patron problem.

Edited by Eurhetikz on 10/13/2015 AM PDT

Wow, Blizzard, you did it again. You completely destroyed one of the most skill-requiring decks out here, which wasn t really that good btw. Way to go, Blizz, way to go.

Now I have no reason not to play secret pally, thank you very much.

Edited by YOBABUGURT on 10/13/2015 AM PDT

Why not just change the wording to minions with 3 or less attack have charge.

The problem was Warrior had too many cheap ping cards and could lethal in 1 turn with frothing without you having a chance to counter.

As someone who plays both agro paladin and dragon priest, a change was needed as leaving anything on the board for turn 8 meant you might be giving them lethal and Patron was a solitaire deck, but killing the deck isn t right. Bad move

I agree with a lot of your assessment, but want to point out that despite these reasonable points, there are some reasonable counter arguments:

1 Patron was strong against many aggro archetypes. People might hate Patron Warrior, but this change will not lead to a glorious new age of non-cancer; Patron was in many ways the best deck to keep cancer decks in check.

2 Patron was very difficult to play. Unlike something like Secret Paladin -- which is a very straightforward deck to play well -- Patron was not easy, and the statistics showed it.

3 Patron brought many rare cards in to play that did not see play before then and will return to obscurity again as a consequence.

4 The deck was cheap to make, and a high skill, cheap-to-construct deck was an important thing to offer newer players.

5 The deck was unique and did not resemble any other deck in the meta. It also allowed Warriors a second archetype, which they had been sorely lacking beforehand. Warrior will return to a one trick control pony as a consequence of this change.

It s possible that the points you highlighted outweigh all the points I just made here; again, I think you make reasonable points. I just want to point out how much is being lost here, because we re losing a I lot /I, frankly. Maybe we gain more than we lose, though.

Sorry you re completely wrong here. This change takes patron warrior from a tier 1 deck to a dead deck, no one will play it anymore. Warsong commander is now a useless card. Grim patron is now a useless card.

Blizzard proves once again that they have no clue how to balance things correctly.

I m all for a nerf of Warsong Commander, but why make it incredibly horrible. It s just a worse version of Raid Leader which isn t that great itself now.

There is literally 0 point to using the card ever now.

Edited by TheMap on 10/13/2015 AM PDT

nerf: a change to a game that makes something less effective or desirable

to butcher: to ruin something deliberately or through incompetence

Let s be honest, this is just butchery.

Warsong didn t need this much of a nerf.

Maybe upping the cost or a slight change to ability would have been enough.

There s a far pressing issue in ladder anyway.

Please do something about secret Paladins.

Edited by QueenCerii on 10/13/2015 AM PDT

Warrior is still fine. Patron Warrior isn t. There s a difference.

Smart and actually skilled deck. You mean killing an opponent with 2 high hp taunts plus full health plus some armour in a single turn is skillful. Lol. Okay, bro.

Really I don t play patron myself, but it hardly needed to be nerfed. As others have said a skill based / thinking deck has been taken and nerfed. This will open the door to more and more aggro in the Meta.

A game will never lead into a world without cancer. Just get it. Cancer is a desease and nothing from a game

Totally agree with this, the deck needed to be nerfed, but doing it like this seems lazy. The nerf needed a more intelligent solution.

I strongly disagree -- the Patron Warrior deck will collapse in to obscurity. This is a catastrophic nerf and will move the deck from top of Tier 1 to Tier 4.

I could be wrong, of course, but having played and watched a decent amount of Patron, that is my guess. This change is not a light tap; Patron Warrior will disappear from competitive play entirely.

Perhaps that is deserved, but that s a different discussion.

Edited by Verse on 10/13/2015 AM PDT

yea ruin all cards because you low ranks cant play

Awesome change. Maybe patron wasn t the strongest deck, but playing AGAINST it was so boring.

Also, this will bring more deck variety as so many decks were heavy countered by patron.

Anyway, you might consider making that new warsong commander effect a battlecry.

You guys really can t balance this game. you just create new more unplayable cards

There is no reason this had to take so long to happen.

So many games were ruined because of a broken card combination and they didn t care.

Whoa. I guess I can start playing again.

Duplicate effect in the right deck.

Waraong Commander created a strategy that revolves around trying to defeat your opponent in ONE TURN without requiring any board. Fighting for board control and battles between minions make an overall game of Hearthstone more fun and compelling, but taking 40 damage in one turn is not particularly fun or interactive

Makes sense to nerf it, but there was also only a very few players that played patron with great skill, others that I came up against actually made me laugh out loud at their attempts. As for pushing for the secret pally nerf, nah, it s not that op, like one other person has already stated Mysterious Challenger better be next on the list of Cards to be looked at.

Maybe just tone down the card, not overly nerf it.

Combo is fun, your design philosophy sucks. Patron has to fight for the board to stay alive the whole game until it puts the necessary pieces together.

You say nothing about win rates. There s no evidence provided that patron is warping the meta any more than secret paladin, hand lock, or face hunter. All I can say is that I m thankful you made it completely clear that you are hellbent on making Hearthstone into a game that I have no interest in playing.

Sadly too late, looks like I will have to find something else to defeat secret paladins. Oh well.

patron was good vs aggro, now we will have more aggro meta

Another victory for the unskilled crybabies. GJ Blizzard.

Edited by ZombieChow on 10/13/2015 AM PDT

Cool. Now what are you guys planning to do for Secrets Paladin.

I guarantee you they have more evidence then you ever will.

So, in order to nerf Patron Warrior, they make a card that s been the same since beta into a completely different card just because it happened to have synergy with Grim Patron.

Undertaker was broken, so they nerfed Undertaker. Miracle Rogue was broken, so they nerfed Auctioneer. Leeroy - Shadowstep - Leeroy - Shadowstep - Leeroy Cold Bloodx2 Eviscerate was broken, so they nerfed Leeroy. Grim Patron Warrior was broken, so they remove an unique card from the game and replace it with a 3-mana very conditional raid leader.

Yep, that all makes perfect sense. I don t see any reason what so ever to doubt this change.

I think everything you ve brought up is absolutely true. I m just not convinced that those reasons are strong enough to keep it around.

Thanks for your kind and reasonable attitude.

Edited by UnfairGrace on 10/13/2015 AM PDT

Smart and actually skilled deck. You mean killing an opponent with 2 high hp taunts plus full health plus some armour in a single turn is skillful. Lol. Okay, bro. luckly for you unskilled guys nerf is here

Warsong Commander now reads Your minions with 3 or less attack have charge. Was this so hard.

Just remove charge if the minion grows above 3 attack. supersimplestuff

one of the most fun and challenging deck in hearthstone is gone, now everyone will be playing those decks where decision making isnt impactfull in the game.

not a smart decision patron warrior was a consistent combo deck, where you had to play skillful. would be smarter to buff other cards I think of auctioneer here

EDIT: For all the people who even consider downvoting this comment, if you think this is a decent nerf you have absolutely no idea what balance even means neither does Blizzard. It basically kills the card and it will never be played again, the same way every nerf Blizzard has ever done. If you disagree you re simply wrong.

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Update: The patch was incorrectly pushed out and a rollback patch is in the works of going out. Hearthstone Patch 10604 - The Warsong Commander Nerf.

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